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The most magical day of the year has finally come! No, not Christmas — PSL release day at Starbucks! The annual debut of the cult classic Pumpkin Spice Latte announces fall like the groundhog announces spring

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Though it may feel early this year (weren’t we just at the beach, like, last Saturday?), the Pumpkin Spice Latte has spoken — so get out your fuzzy sweaters, start raking leaf piles, watch When Harry Met Sally (my favorite fall movie, though it’s my favorite movie in any season as well), and stock up on our favorite pumpkin spice products, if you just can’t get your fix from the latte (because we all need a little pumpkin spice magic in our lives). Califia Farms Pumpkin Spice Latte Cold Brew Coffee DIY your own PSL at home, because why not! (Sorry, Starbucks, we...

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