News — Money
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— I consider myself to be one of the cheapest people on the planet. I wear socks until they are threadbare and undies until the elastic is completely shot. Wasting money physically hurts me. But even the cheapest people on the planet have moments of stark stupidity. And sometimes that stupidity costs so much money. 😉 Here are the ten ways most Americans and I waste so much money. 1. Not Measuring Laundry Detergent I do a lot of laundry. Like, a whollllee lot. All too often, I go downstairs to find the laundry pile leaning like the Tower of...
The Ultimate Ways to Prepare for Christmas Now!
Posted by admin on
Christmas is always bat-shit crazy for Mums. Because let’s face it, if it wasn’t for us, Christmas would not happen! Christmas is mental for Mums. And any single thing that I can do to make it a bit easier – is gold! Here are my tips on how to start preparing for Christmas right now! So that hopefully, Christmas can be a lovely time of year, instead of needing to be admitted to a psych ward on boxing day! Start Picking Up a Few Long Life Pantry Items or Frozen Goods Now! When you do your weekly or fortnightly grocery...